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Friday, September 30, 2016

How to fight back and reclaim your life

 I'm too small to make a difference. This is a belief people use not to get involved and make a difference. It is only a perspective. People are as great or small as they believe they are. It sounds simply yet it is the difference between successful people and those who fail to try to achieve.

This self-defeating belief is frequently reinforced by others. They use it to control individuals and groups into supporting their agenda. Usually the pattern begins in childhood with parents using manipulation and in some cases physical force to impose their will. Whether consciously or sub-consciously, they teach the message that it is permissible for others to control you if they are bigger and stronger. They effectively steal you power and ability to fight for your self esteem. This message continues into adulthood with the friends and partners we choose. How we feel about ourselves is reflected back to us with the people we invite into our lives, because they reinforce both our positive and negative self speak.

Media campaigns have been designed to make people insecure in order to create a demand for a product. Shaming and blaming creates the insecurity they need to influence the consumers' spending habits. The weight loss industry is a prime example. Those companies promote the message that over weight people are lesser than thin people. They can't be loved, happy, or successful. But if you buy their product you will loose weight and suddenly you will have and be all those wonderful things. This is the common marketing theme. Want to be cool?--Buy our car. Wear our clothes. Eat at our restaurant. Use the latest tech toy. Yet no matter how much you buy, it will never be enough, because they are always upgrading and creating new products, which makes what you own obsolete and no longer cool. Only by buying the latest product will you be able to reclaim your cool you. It is a vicious, never ending cycle for as long as you believe their messages and buy into their agendas.

Power seeking people achieve their goals by creating an us verses them mentality. It gives one group permission to blame another person or group for their lot in life, which helps them avoid taking responsibility for their words and deeds. But it is a double edge sword. Pointing fingers at others deflects responsibility, but it also gives away personal power. If the other person or group is accountable for what you say and do that means they have more control over your life than you do. This blame game also effectively isolate individuals and groups Those, who feel alone and powerless, can be easily manipulate and controlled through their need to sit at the cool kids table. When that status is threatened, they will do or say whatever is necessary to protect that bond.

You are too small to make a difference if you allow yourself to believe it. If you think size really matters you've never been alone in a closed room with a fly or a mosquito. Everyone has the power to change their destiny if they choose to believe in themselves. Whether it be directly or indirectly, an individual, standing in her or his own power, also uplifts and empowers all the lives she or he touches. We are the difference. We have the power to create change or stagnation. We only have to believe that we can in order to do.

Horses and Heroes is a Reality TV series, which combines the highly effective Peer Support Therapy with Equine Therapy. Unlike most in the genre, it will focus on healing and positive growth rather than endorsing bad behavior. Each season will bring together the veterans from WWII to the current conflicts. They will be sharing their challenges and supporting each other as they find new solutions. They know the talk, because they have walked the walk. They see the dodges and will be able to call each other on them. Sparks may fly. Tempers may flare, especially when they force each other to face the ghosts. But will also be laughter and fun as they rebuild the comradery. The snarkiness and practical jokes between the branches don't simply end. There is always room for just one more. When it airs, it will reach into the homes of the veterans, who need to hear that they are not alone and give them the information as well as the permission to also heal. They will help each other find their way back to the world. Veterans can’t go back and make a brand new start; but they can start from now and make a brand new end.

You don't have to be wealthy or powerful to make a difference for Horses and Heroes. You just have to want to help veterans heal and reclaim their lives. There are many very important ways you can make a difference.

Endorsing Horses and Heroes and sharing our message with your friends, family, and on your social networking sites will carry our message to those who do have the financial means to invest as well as corporations that would benefit from cross-branding with the series. . We are offering a cost effective and socially relevant venue though which they will be able to reach the 18-49 year old demographic.

Give a gift equivalent to that of the price of a cup of coffee or a drink on the website and challenge your friends to do the same.

The proceeds from the ebook, God saw a Butterfly will be used to produce the series. It is available as an Amazon Kindle as well as on the website. Buying the PDF from the website is more beneficial to Horses and Heroes since all of the funds, less the Paypal fees. will be available be used to finance the series.

You have the power to make a difference for veterans. Will you choose to be their hero?

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Parable to fund TV series to Help Veterans

God Saw a Butterfly A divinely inspired transformational parable A review by Cate Cavanagh This afternoon was cleverly planned. It required making an appointment with myself and rescheduling all others. I scan the bedroom. The pillows are cautiously situated to sit up straight for the best comfort or reading. I carefully place my tea and biscuits on the night table and my pooch, Marilyn, waits for me so she can stretch along my side. I silence the phone and reach for my afternoon treasure to unfold. I clutch the book greedily for you see in this age of technology it is so very hard to touch and smell a real book This afternoon is different. I will read a new book written by one of my favorite authors, Theresa Chaze. Follow me as I unfold fold one of those little miracles-Theresa Chaze. God Saw a Butterfly is a true parable for this world in which so many seek their truth. Throughout we are drawn into a work that is a metaphor….or is it? We become aware that life is often just a playful sound track upon which all is merely a dance of questions. But what are the answers? Answers, comfortable or not, glide amidst colorful enchantments of shimmer and love and fear. It is only through the maze of emotions can we begin to see that growth is being aware that all things are integrated, codependent and never apart from the whole of existence…and somewhere along our travels the importance of the “now” must never escape us. As we seek to grow we must be wary of our fear factor that would alienate us from a glorious universal unity much as the second son caused his own isolation. But that side and his would lead us to deception rather than the truth and faith that is our heritage. As does Shylon we look for home yet we flit from one floor to another with home seeming to stretch beyond our grasp. Yet we must accept that constant growth will guide us through reality after reality hence comprising what is to be our lives. Shylon learns how easily we lose trust in not just ourselves, seeking for “now”, but the collection of wisdom that is our right to achieve if we only let it. Throughout Shylon’s journey she mirrors our own search for truth but will we, like Shylon, reach a point of abandoning oneself for the illusion of truth? Hopefully our stubborn natures will not disrupt the fine threads that connect the “hither” and “yonder” or from facing the doubt that encourages failure to accept responsibility for our own errors. As Shylon presents a snapshot of her evolution so might we take to opportunity to pause to do the same. And so the parable begins our own journey of accepting that awareness yields honor and compassion and caring for all levels of life. Herein lies the parable for our birth, life and purpose.

By Roy Sexton on September 28, 2016
Such a thoughtful and inspirational allegory. Essential reading in these fractious times. Chaze explores a sense of divine wonder, helping us see a universe of microcosms, placing the proper perspective on our petty day-to-day. Highly recommend
By PJB on September 28, 2016
What a magical and poetic read! I found this authors gentle but deeply insightful writing very moving and I feel certain that others too will enjoy this short unusual piece of enchantment!

I loved it! God saw a Butterfly was a magical and entertaining short read, that took me on a journey back to my days of childhood wonder. A charming and endearing tale.

God Saw a Butterfly is a transformational parable, which was very loosely inspired by the saying, where a caterpillar sees death, God sees a butterfly. 

The proceeds from God Saw a Butterfly will be used to produce the TV series, Horses and Heroes. Combining Peer Support with Equine Therapy, Horses and Heroes will empower veterans to heal and reclaim their lives.

God saw a Butterfly is available as an Amazon Kindle and by going to the website by clicking here.

Horses and Heroes is aReality TV series, which combines the highly effective Peer Support Therapy with Equine Therapy. Unlike most in the genre, it will focus on healing and positive growth rather than endorsing bad behavior. Each season will bring together the veterans from WWII to the current conflicts. They will be sharing their challenges and supporting each other as they find new solutions. They know the talk, because they have walked the walk. They see the dodges and will be able to call each other on them. Sparks may fly. Tempers may flare, especially when they force each other to face the ghosts. But will also be laughter and fun as they rebuild the comradery. The snarkiness and practical jokes between the branches don't simply end. There is always room for just one more. When it airs, it will reach into the homes of the veterans, who need to hear that they are not alone and give them the information as well as the permission to also heal. They will help each other find their way back to the world. Veterans can’t go back and make a brand new start; but they can start from now and make a brand new end.


Monday, September 12, 2016

Comparable to Ghost and The Others

Combining two concepts, Never Can say Good-bye creates an innovative spin on the ghostly genre. With a tagline, “When love is forever, death is only the beginning,” it is comparable to Ghost and The Others.

Imprisoned in her family's home, the spirit of a murdered child waits for her parents to free her. But they have moved on to new lives as has her killer. Randi must bring them back together, so that they can forgive themselves and make amends. If she succeeds, they will all heal and she will be freed to also reincarnate. If she fails, their need for revenge will damn them all.

Without being full cast, Never Can Say Good-bye has been estimated to gross $7-17 million USD. Additional cast and crew will only increase its profitability potential. We are looking for investors or a production partner with the resources we lack.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Empowering veterans saves their lives while rescuing animals

A positive brand reputation is as important to a corporation's success as are the tools and venues it uses to create the brand. Animal assisted therapy helps heal the mind, body and soul of those who have been challenged through illness, accidents, or life experiences. Dogs, and horses closely followed by cats are the most common therapy animals: however, horses have the unique ability to reflect back the individual's emotions, thereby helping them to understand and control their triggers.
Raising the awareness of the benefits of animal therapy will lead to many more animals finding good homes, but it will also empower veterans and others to reclaim their lives.